Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our New Addition...

On Tuesday, August 10th at 9:55 a.m. we welcomed Isabella Corinne Leone into the world.  Corinne was Nick's Mother's name and holds a special meaning to us!  "Bella" weighed in at 5 lbs 12 ounces and was supermodel tall at 20 inches!  She is the spittin' image of Massimo when he was a baby, but with dainty girlish features!  Bella sleeps most of the day and loves to be fed around the clock.  I'm even starting to notice some curves on her petite frame!

Proud Father!

Our Little Beauty... 

Mamma Leone in her glory!

Always snoozing... 

Nick and I are beyond tickled over our little girl and Massimo is over the moon being a big brother.  He has conquered saying "baby bella" and enjoys kissing and keeping a close eye on her.  It is such a joy watching Massimo love and care for her.

Massi meets his sister... 

LOVE at first KISS!

Mommy's helper!

Over the last week, our family and friends have surrounded us with so much love and support.  I personally don't think I would be "sane" without them?!  Pappa Ricky & Juju are beyond incredible with Massimo; taking him to breakfast in the morning, playing until the sun goes down in the backyard and showering him with love.  Richie and Chelsea join in the excitement on the weekends and close friends pop by to meet our little beauty.  I am grateful for the love we have in our life and the blessing of being home for Bella's arrival.

Breakfast with Pop & Pappa at Allendale Eats!

Juju in her glory while taking a small break from Massimo 

Aunt Sheri showering Bella with love... 

While Isabella is snoozing all day, Massimo is growing to be a fine young athlete.  Some of his recent accomplishments include jumping off the 4ft dock and diving board at Crestwood Lake, playing hockey in the driveway, and learning how to make 3 pointers.  I wonder what sport he'll grow up to love?!?  We are proud of our "almost 2 year old" and enjoy watching him grow everyday!

Massi can't get enough of the "gock"...he says "moore" as soon as he jumps off!

He learns to conquer the diving board in the deep end!

The Leone's are officially a family of 4!  It's an incredible feeling to think that two lovebirds who met in Manhattan 5 years ago have two beautiful and healthy children.  We are BLESSED and thank God for all HE has done in our life.

Home from the hospital with our new addition... life is good!

Our Beautiful Bella!

Stay tuned for weekly updates on Massi & Bella... you can even add us to your favorites!



modernfather said...

Very good Lini. We think Bella is beautiful, which goes without saying but we still want to chime in. Can't wait to see you all and share the family love. Can you believe that you and I have 5 kids between us?!?! Crazy huh.

Ona said...

Gorgeous and blessed. Thank you for sharing.

Furballs and Fairytales said...

Ohh Linds! I am so happy for you! It is so important to be near family- it truly takes a village to raise kids!

Jodie said...

Lindsay, what beautiful blogs!! I didn't know you had these I'll be sure to follow!! xo