Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Dorothy was right... 
"There's no place like home"!  

Over the last 5 months, life for the Leone's has been filled with so much JOY (pardon the few month sabbatical).  With the unexpected, yet exciting move back East, the welcoming of our sweet girl Isabella and now the latest... a new home, we are truly counting our blessings this Christmas season.

In less than a week, we packed our boxes at my parents, called the movers and made our way just 1 mile from the home I grew up in.  For me, this was a dream come true... a vision I had for so many years and now it was really happening.  WOW!

In just a few days we were unpacked, fully decorated for Christmas and welcoming play dates and family dinners.  Massi called dibs on the basement and Bella has her own little suite!  Nick has turned his office downstairs into a wall street war room and I'm loving the big and open kitchen!  We feel at HOME, not only in this beautiful house but in town and the surrounding areas.  Everyday, we have special visits from our family, even if it's my dad dropping things off every hour.  We have found a great church and enjoy creating our daily and weekend "routines".  We are starting new traditions here as a family and it feels great!

December has been filled with cold days, indoor play and cuddling by the fire.  Massi loves running around the house, playing drums in the basement and sleeping in his big boy bed with his fish night light. He also loves to read "Goodnight New York City" and points out where mommy's office is... "Google" he says excitedly.  Bella is growing up everyday.  She loves to wake up smiling and wants nothing more then to be played with and kissed on.  Her cheeks are irresistible!  She is also boasting some blonde spiked hair in the last week.  This makes ME very proud!

 Massi & Giulia by the fire... 

4 Months Old!

First morning of snow on the ground...   

Visit with Santa... and yet another emotional experience! :)

Big brother reading to Bella!

We are busy getting ready for Christmas.  I'd like to say all my presents were wrapped, cookies baked and table set.... but, I need another day!  We're thrilled to be hosting both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day and cannot wait to spend more time with our family.  This year has been filled with incredible blessings and we are so thankful for each one of them.

Have a very Merry Christmas... 


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