Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Fun!

Wondering what the Leone's have been up to?  For starters, we're up to our ears with snow and have been finding relief with daily trips to gym class, lunch at "Darla's" the local kids restaurant and frequent visits to Juju & Pappa's house.

 Meet our Snowmen... Mamma Leone, Pappa Leone & Massi! (sorry Bella, we got tired)

Mamma Leone is back to work @ Google in NYC and finds the daily grind of being a working mother challenging, exhilarating and overall rewarding.  Having family watch Massi & Bella is any working mom's dream, thank you Juju & CarCar!  Nick is consulting with several Foundations and is thoroughly enjoying his new adventure.  We are very excited at what God is doing in our lives!

Massimo & Isabella are what keep this house running... they are full of life and bring us so much JOY!  They enjoy each other's company and at times even share toys and books.

Massi is 2 1/2 going on 5.  He is 100% go, go, go from the minute he wakes up.  His favorite activity are still the drums and when asked what he wants to eat he states "boom booms".  Enough said!  He talks like an adult and is starting to come out with some great sentences; yesterday he told me his "sweatpants were way too tight".  My favorite part of the day is walking in from work and see him run to me!  His first comment is "Mommy, treat from Google"?  He fills us with so much love...

Sunday's @ church on stage!
 Celebrating Pappa's Birthday!
 Happy Boy!

Isabella is a piece of work!  She has a vibrant personality that makes you want to eat her up, especially those cheeks.  Her favorite things to do are play in the mirror, jump in her bouncer and splash in the tub.  Bella is always smiling and you rarely see her leave my side,  she's my girl!  When Daddy or her big brother walk in the room her face lights up at their voice.  A true fashionista from birth, Bella loves vintage gap, splendid and her velour juicy sweatsuit (thank you Giulia!).  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first tooth and possibly crawling in the next few weeks.  My last comment... Bella is BLONDE!

Daddy's little girl...
Loving Life!
 Playing in the mirror with mommy!

We are anxious for March, which leads us to believe SPRING is almost here!  As Massimo says everyday...  "Goodbye Snow"!

Until next time...

The Leone's


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