Friday, June 10, 2011

10 Months!

Our sweet Bella Bean is 10 Months old today!  Where has the time gone?  It was like yesterday you had black hair, a small frame, and fit into my arms.  Now you are golden blonde, a dead ringer for miss piggy and are breaking my back (sorry, I had to tell it how it is).  You are such a gift to us and we love watching you grow into a little lady everyday.

Some of your ways we just go crazy over... 
  • Your cheeks & thighs are delicious
  • You smile after everything we say
  • You love your brother so much that he can't even take it :)
  • You are a late teether, one of your bottom teeth is just starting to pop at 10 mths
  • You are a cruiser, walking is in your immediate future and I'm scared
  • You have mastered saying UH-OH
  • Your eyes are so blue that we question who's child you are
  • You love to dance and quickly catch on to any tune
  • You are 20 lbs of pure LOVE
Overall, you are a dream child.... minus your sleep habits.  After 9 long months of thinking you were "teething" and putting off sleep training we finally caved in and made you cry for 2 weeks straight.  You lost your voice but have mastered the art of sleeping and we are so proud of you.  Mommy & Daddy are looking great and I thank you for allowing me to be a nicer & a smarter person at work.  I also look forward to that 6 a.m. "squeal" every single morning!  

Lastly, you and I have so much in common Bella... 

 You have a passion for shoes... 

You are super woman... 

You are so COOL and FUN! :)

You love your daddy "almost" as much as I do... 

Isabella you are our sweet little girl and we love you so much!

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