Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2nd Child Syndrome

If you know me well, you know my passion is PHOTOS!  Mainly photos of friends, family, children, etc.  To this day, I have a photo album for every possible event; Dance Recitals, Sr. Prom, Weddings, Baby showers and more.  I really didn't think my obsession could get any worse.  Today, I have over 200 online photo albums dedicated to Massimo and 120 online videos uploaded of his early years.  I think it's fair to say my obsession reached a whole new level when children came into the picture! :)

When Isabella was born, I vowed I would never let the "2nd Child Syndrome" hit me.  This is when a mother has zero time to dedicate to the things she used to do with her 1st child; take pictures, videos, write the weekly blog, etc.  

Although, I've held strong to my promise at taking an abundance of pictures of Bella, I have slacked off on the video side.  However, it dawned on me today, the reason for so many videos of Massimo was because we lived 3,000 miles away from family/friends and that was my way to of showing everyone our little boy!

Regardless of where we live, I still think it's important to capture your little ones and I aim to improve in that area.  Yesterday, I took my first video of Isabella!  Although, I'm not happy it's taken me this long, I am thrilled with the results and couldn't wait to share our little girl with everyone.  For those that have yet to meet her, she is a little piece of heaven.  

Meet Ms. Bella (9 1/2 weeks)...

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Oh, I know the 2nd child syndrome well...I held out pretty well until 3rd child...I am now 1 year behind on my albums....YIKES!!! :)
Bella is a doll!!!