Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We delight in Fall!

FALL... there are so many amazing things about this season and time in our life that I'd like to share what's making us happy!
  • Sleeping until 8 a.m., hanging in our pjs for hours and deciding day by day what we're going to do (some may think this is just lazy, I call it BLISS)
  • Watching Massi head straight to his drum set every morning before his eyes open
  • Being with Mommy 24/7 while she's on maternity leave 
  • Sitting at Starbucks watching the CHOO CHOO train come and go
  • Watching our beautiful two month old smile and coo with delight
  • Thankful for cousin CarCar who takes such great care of Massi and gives me a few hours to myself during the week :)
  • Bringing the kids to visit Juju at work
  • Being close to family and friends for visits, coffee dates and just a quick hello
  • Tuesday morning bible study with great woman; my mom, Aunt Sheri & cousin Carli
  • Seeing mums, cornstalks and pumpkins as you pull into the driveway
  • Visiting my brother's gym with the entire family & even getting a great workout in
  • Long bike rides with daddy through town and visits to the park
  • Family dinners each and every night!
  • Football Season!!
I would be remise, if I didn't share with you some of our "pangs" :)
  • The 3 hour (on the minute) nightime wake up calls from Bella
  • A certain 25 month old who loves to sleep walk his way into our bed every night around midnight (we can't resist his curls!)
  • The chilly weather that is quickly approaching here on the east coast
  • Getting the kids in and out of the car, especially when running more than one errand.  I'm desperate for more drive-thrus!
  • Laundry after laundry after laundry
  • Trying to squeeze in a workout to find that I have 20 minutes
  • 4-7 p.m.
  • The sound of DRUMS all day long - 24/7
  • I'll quit with my "pangs"... the good always has to out do the bad :)

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