Thursday, October 28, 2010

Getting Big & Loving Each Other...

What was I thinking scheduling both children for a well visit on the same day and time?  Thank the heavens Nick was free and could join us because I would not have survived alone!

Yesterday, we had two very important check-ups; Massi's 2 Year and Bella's 2 Month!  I went in with high expectations for Bella's weight gain.  After all, she eats around the clock and has the cheeks and thighs to prove it!  Massimo, on the hand, is still a little munchkin barely fitting into his size 2 clothes and taking after his Pappa VH with his long and skinny frame.

As a family, we sat in a tiny 4X4 room, with a small window (thank GOD), 2 naked children and a new pediatrician.  We went through the drill for over an hour... vaccine schedule, flu shots, height/weight percentile, sleep patterns, etc.  In the end we have two very healthy and happy munchkins...

Massimo weighed in at a whopping 24 lbs!  The dr. advised us to chuck the paci asap and focus on healthy sleep patterns... I won't get into the details there but let's just say "we're working on it!".

Isabella is as healthy as it comes!  She weighed in at 11.6 (Mamma's a little disappointed and was guessing she would be in the 13's) and has all the signs of a well fed baby. YAY!

Besides the blessing of healthy children, I have to admit that everyone in our household is HAPPY these days.  Massi loves Bella & Bella loves Massi!  The question I often get from friends & strangers is, How is your toddler with the baby?.  During the first month, my answer was always "oh, he's still adjusting but doing fine".  This month, I would say with confidence that he adores his little sister and takes such great care of her!  I was able to capture a few of their special moments together as brother & sister....

"Mommy, she's a bit heavy on my lap" 

"Oh, I love this big brother stuff" 

 Watching Oprah in bed together!

 "Isabella, I'm about to give you a BIG kiss"


she loves the attention... 

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