Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 2 Months!

To My Sweet Isabella!

It is 10.10.10 today and you have officially been in this world for 2 months... WOW!  I remember like yesterday, you came home from the hospital in a little preemie outfit ready to take on all the love we could give you!

You have come a long way since August 10th.  You've doubled your weight, your hairline is filling in nicely and those beautiful blue eyes keep getting lighter and lighter!  You have a feisty personality that only your parents know best (thanks to your older brother Massimo).  You sleep best on Mommy and your favorite hobby is eating!  You seem to be the best dressed newborn in Bergen County, NJ... thanks to Nana Juju and you are quickly outgrowing size 0-3 at only 2 months (that a girl!).

Isabella, you have swept me off my feet with LOVE!  You are my little "belle" and I love you so so much...


1 comment:

Jacquelyn Burka said...

She'll love reading this. What a sweetheart.