Friday, October 8, 2010

Cape Cod!

This past weekend we packed our SUV to the brim, locked up the house and headed North!  What was intended to be a weekend wedding getaway for me and Nick, turned into a family affair.  With the men driving, Juju sitting in the 2nd row with both kids and Mamma Leone relaxing in the way back we made our way up 95 in what appeared to be a monsoon.  4 1/2 hours later including a stop at McDonalds & Friendly's (yes, both!) we arrived at Nick's sister's home in West Falmouth.

The plan was to enjoy time with Nick's family, most of whom live on the Cape or surrounding area and then head to our friends wedding in Osterville Saturday night (kids @ home!).  Nick is the youngest of 7; 5 sisters and 1 brother.... so, when everyone's together you are guaranteed lots of stories and laughter!

This trip to the Cape was long overdue, as our last journey here we had just became engaged and I was meeting everyone for the first time.  A lot has changed since then... we are married, have lived on the west coast for 5 years and have two children!  Massimo & Isabella are meeting their aunts, cousins and even Granpy for the first time!

Our weekend was filled with beautiful fall weather.  Days were spent with early morning bike rides along the beach, trips to town to get new "Falmouth" gear, "Chowda" on the harbor for lunch, walks to the beach with Massi in the Radio Flyer and fun dinners with the Leone clan.  Nick and I had a blast at our friends wedding and enjoyed some alone time!

My personal highlights of the trip were seeing Massi play with his older cousins Connor & Patrick, watching Nick's sisters love little Isabella and visiting Nick's brothers farm.  Most of all it was being together as a big family.  Before I met Nick, I dreamed of marrying a big Italian family and that's just what I got!

We arrive in West Falmouth!

 The Leone Men...

 The Leone Ladies...

Kathleen loving Bella... 

Visiting Bogside Farm! 

Early morning chat with Patrick!



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